Monday, 27 May 2013

Tuesday 29th May

Kia Ora all

Things got off to a false start last week with winter sport being postponed due to ground closures. It's not looking too good for this Friday, but have our fingers crossed it will clear up so we can get going.

The WINTER SPORT draw can be viewed on the WINTER SPORT page (see the links above). Click on the link and you will see the draw. You will need to double click to get a close up, and click on the right hand corner to 'flip over' to the next page.

South West Zone Cross Country

This takes place this Thursday at the Halswell Quarry Park. The team is being finalised and it looks like about 15 students will represent Oaklands. Good luck to all participants.

We will add some photos and student comment post-event.

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Wednesday 15th May

Kia Ora all

Today the Duathlon team went to Ruapuna park Raceway, along with 720 other student competitors, to run, bike and run their way around the course.

It seems Triathlon racing in New Zealand is in good hands given the large turnout and quality racing.

Results will be posted on the Primary Sport canterbury website ( see the links on the right side of the home page).

Good on ya -  to the students from Oaklands who gave it a go. Sure was tough, but then that's what builds character.

Next stop for many of our Oaklands team is the upcoming South West Zone Cross Country at Westlake park towards the end of the month.

Here are a some photos of our awesome Oaklands athletes in action.



Another example of Oaklands athletes in action. Way to go, Oaklands!

Monday, 13 May 2013

Tuesday 14th May

Kauri Cross Country results

The Kauri Cross Country was held last Wednesday at Westlake Park. It was a bit wet underfoot but the sun was shining, and a great day of sport was had.

Students placing 1st, 2nd or 3rd in the year 5,6,7 and 8 races are eligible to represent Oaklands at the upcoming South West Zone Cross Country at Westlake Park on THURSDAY 30th MAY.

Year 4 Girls
1. Mya Wareham
2. Lily Pitman
3. Courtney Hillyer

Year 4 Boys
1. Aston Stocker
2. Alexandru Misescu
3. Jamie Mc Allister

Year 5 Girls
1. Xanthe Simpson
2. Samantha Laing
3. Michaela Olivier

Year 5 Boys
1. Jack Mitchell
2. Levi Green
3. Scott Butterick

Year 6 Girls
1. Olivia Gobbie
2. Mia Warren
3. Jacqueline Keenan

Year 6 Boys
1. Tim Adams
2. Nick Weakley
3. Logan Moore

Year 7 girls
1. Chantalle Lewis
2. Iona Simpson
3. Sophie Hardie

Year 7 boys
1. Jack Mc Nicholl
2. Oliver Burgess
3. Tetsuya Yamanda

Year 8 girls
1. Olivia King
2. Finlay Martin
3. Chloe Green

Year 8 boys
1. Travis Iggo
2. Cameron Farr
3. Zaran Banoori