Welcome to the UPCOMING EVENTS page
Here you can find information on upcoming events inside and outside of the school. If you know of an event we can add, please email Grant at grant.forman@oaklands.school.nz
Canterbury Primary Schools Duathlon
When: Wednesday 15th May
Where: Ruapuna Park Raceway
Click here to view this document
Kauri Cross Country
Students are encouraged to wear HOUSE colours
When: Wednesday 8th May
Where: Westlake Park
What time: (TENTATIVE) TBC. Will be in the morning.
Who: Year 4 - 8 students - team Kauri
What: Cross country - students will be selected to represent Oaklands at the SW Zones cross
country on Thursday 30th May @ Halswell Quarry
How: We will walk down and back.
Events: Race 1 - Year 4 boys and girls
Race 2 - Year 5 boys and girls
Race 3 - Year 6 boys and girls
Race 4 - Year 7 and 8 boys and girls
Distances: Year 4, 5, 6 = 2km approx
Year 7, 8 = 3km approx
The Event:
This year Primary Sport Canterbury cross country races will be run in YEAR levels, rather than age. Therefore, we will be doing the same on Wednesday. There will be 4 races - Year 4 , 5, 6, and 7&8 combined with the boys and girls race for each year level being staggered a couple of minutes apart.
WE NEED YOU to help with [a] walking to and from Westlake with the students, and [b] marshalling duties on the day.
[1] Walking - will involve walking down and back with your child's class. Just ensuring they are safe on the journey.
A notice will come home MONDAY regarding the event, as will a parent help reply form. Parents who offer to WALK WITH STUDENTS should arrive at your child's classroom at least 10 minutes before the indicated departure time.
NOTE: If you offer help, we will take it up. Rather than reply to all parents we will have a blanket response:
Thank you for offering to help. Yes, we would love to take up your offer. Please be at your child's classroom at least 10 minutes before indicated departure time. Cheers. Grant and Danny.
[2] Marshalls - we will need some parents who are happy to act as a marshall around the course keeping an eye on proceedings. We will also need some helpers near the finish line to ensure students run in the right direction and stay in order once they have finished.
On the day, please listen out for the MARSHALS announcement from Danny or Grant. We will call a short meeting for those who can help marshall, at which point we will allocate tasks.
Thursday 11th April Wharenui Pool
Representing South West Zone from Oaklands:
- Ihaia Kendrew - William Baxter
- Rachel Pullan - Madison Keogan
- Travis Iggo - Iona Simpson
- Sophie Hardie
McDonald's Youth Duathlon
Sunday 7th April
South Hagley Park
7 - 10 years: Run 1km Cycle 4km Run 500m
11 - 15 years: Rum 2km Cycle 8km Run 1km
Cost: $15
Entry forms: www.mcdonaldsduathlon.co.nn