Monday, 16 September 2013

Touch Rugby

Kia Ora all

Today we handed out the permission forms for touch rugby.

It is highly possible that some students picked up the incorrect colour or forgot to take one, or even missed out as not enough were printed.

If any of these are true for you, no problem, more will be available tomorrow.

The box for returns is in the OFFICE. Please don't bring them to Room 5. However, if you have a question then feel free to drop in to Room 5.

Wednesday and Thursday will be collection days.
Friday I will begin putting the existing teams back together, then get onto the new students next week.

Given the large number of interested students please bear with me throughout the process. I will try and meet everyone's needs.


Sunday, 15 September 2013

Monday 16th September

Kia Ora all

Today we had the first meeting for students interested in playing touch for an Oaklands team this year. We filled up the music room, and there seemed to be as many who didn't play in an Oaklands team last year as there were players from last year; which is fantastic.

Two versions of the permission slips will be used; one for NEW players and one for LAST YEAR'S players.
These will come home tomorrow, hopefully.

They can also be viewed on the TOUCH RUGBY at HALSWELL DOMAIN page at the top of the blog.

We are on the lookout for MANAGERS to help with teams. The teams from last year will carry on, with some changes in players and managers, but that is easy to sort out.
The new players and teams will be a different story.

Basically, if you offer to manage a team on Friday, we will build a team around your child.

This process will take until the end of the term, so please bare with me. I will communicate through this blog, plus send out emails.

Please email me at           if you have any questions.


Friday, 6 September 2013

Basketball Champions 2013

Basketball Champions

Well done to the awesome Year 7/8 basketball team – The OAKLAND HEAT on winning their Monday night competition at Pioneer Stadium.

Every Monday morning they have been practicing before school on the courts, and every Monday evening they have been dribbling, passing and shooting their way to top spot.

Another fantastic basketball season for Oaklands. Another talented group of students out there representing Oaklands with pride.

Nice one, team.