Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Touch Draw 1.11.2013

Kia Ora all

Please click below to view a copy of the draw for  Friday 1.11.2013

                                                  Click here to view the draw

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

SW Zones athletics information

Kia Ora all

A team of 59 athletes has been selected to represent Oaklands at the SW Zones at Hillmorton High School on Tuesday 5th November.

Athletes were given a mauve coloured notice today with all relevant information. This should be completed and returned in a timely manner (i.e as soon as possible).

NOTE: Students will be issued with sportswear - green t-shirt and jacket, on MONDAY 4th November. Students who are away will get their gear TUESDAY morning.

We LEAVE at 8:30 - students should be at school by 8:15am.

The team list with events can be viewed below.

Order of events.

Click on the two links below to view the time and order of event for this year's athletics.

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Touch Rugby Draw for Friday 25th

Kia Ora all

Please click on the link to view the draw.

The under 7 Red Knights are actually the Oaklands Raiders (Oak Raiders). This is your team name from now on.

The Under 9 EAGLES are not down on the draw and have a bye this week. However there is a field available for you to have a practice. It would be a great idea to have a run around.

Playing tops

I will issue some sets tomorrow for the older students. When the new ones arrive the little ones will be kitted out. I will bring down some coloured mesh bibs for the Oaklands teams that are playing each other. For example the under 7 Sharks and Storm play each other and the Under 11 Undefeatables and Chiefs play each other.


I will being down some balls tomorrow. They will be named (Oakands School) and need to be returned to me after your game. The organisers will supply new teams with a touch ball soonish.

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Kauri athletics and whole school fun football programme

Kia Ora all

Kauri Athletics - Sprints and relays

The sprint races and relays will be held tomorrow THURSDAY for the Kauri team. Due to the earlier rain we were only able to complete the field and long distance events.

The timetable for tomorrow is:

12:00 - 12:30  -  Kauri team have a shortened lunch
12:30              -  Back to class to do roll
12:35              -  Move out to field. Sprint races begin followed by year level relays

Fun Football Programme

The organisers will be in the HALL FOYER from 2:30pm tomorrow THURSDAY to answer your questions and sigh up students. They are looking forward to seeing you. Just a reminder that it is for ALL students from Year 1 - 8 - not just year 5 and up.


Kauri Athletics

Kia Ora all

Due to the current rain we have postponed the start of the athletics until 10:00am. We will assess the conditions around this time and make a call.

Thanks for your patience.


Kauri Athletics

Kia Ora all

We are going ahead with the athletics today. Students should come prepared for a day of athletics. It is a wee bit wet on the field but this will dry off at some stage. We may not start exactly at 9:00am. Any further information can be accessed by ringing the school, or text me at 027 220 1077.


Monday, 21 October 2013

Kauri Athletics

The weather doesn't look too good at the moment, but we are doing a sunshine dance in anticipation of a fine day.

Given the current wet weather, the following applies:

[1] The organisers (Grant and Danny) will meet early tomorrow morning (6:30am).

*    If it has continued to rain overnight and the forecast is for rain throughout the day - we will make the decision to postpone the event to FRIDAY.

* If the rain has stopped and it looks to be clearing up and the forecast is for sun, we will make a decision as to whether we will begin a little later eg 10:00am.

[2] Any decision will be put on this blog by 7:45am

[3] We will then endeavour to place a message on the school answer phone system, once we learn how to do it.

Please don't assume that it will be off if it is a little wet. Unless notified students should come prepared for a day of athletics.


Fun Football Programme

The organisers from Halswell United Football Club will be here at school on THURSDAY after school for 'sign up'.

Come along to the hall foyer to speak to the guys running it. The aim is to begin on the Tuesday after Labour Day (29th October).

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Fun Football Programme

Kia Ora all

Below is a screenshot of the information supplied to the school from Halswell United Football Club for the after school football programme that will be held at Oaklands School on Tuesdays from 3:15 - 4:15pm.

Monday, 14 October 2013

Touch Rugby

Kia Ora all

Touch rugby will now begin on FRIDAY, 25th October at Halswell Domain.

The managers and helpers meeting will take place WEDNESDAY the 16th in the Oaklands School staffroom from 7:00pm. Come and find out what is involved with running a touch team.

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Touch Rugby 2013/4

Kia Ora all

Click on the link below to view the most up to date version of the team lists for touch rugby.

Presently there are 15 teams. We still need to fill a few spaces, with girls in the under 7 section, but I reckon we will get there.

The team lists are not set in stone as there may be some changes, as I have no doubt made some errors / omissions etc.

More information will come out soon regarding the first game, payment of the $20 etc.


Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Year 4 basketball

Kia Ora all

Below is a screenshot of the Pioneer basketball Year 4 and under 'miniball' competition at Pioneer Stadium in term 4.

I have emailed year 4 parents to gauge interest.
Please contact me at if interested.